
Fear is a Thief

Isaiah 41:10, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”

I think the one great hindrance we have in this life can be summed up in one four letter word – ‘fear’. Fear can hinder us in our service to God and limit our accomplishments in life.  Fear is like an octopus with many legs stretching out in different directions wanting to choke us.

The fact is we all have fears.  It’s how we handle them that makes the difference.

We need to realize that fear is a thief. It robs us of our peace and happiness.  It consumes our thoughts and makes us miserable.  It causes us to focus on circumstances around us instead of focusing on the Lord.  We need to look fear straight in the eye and call it what it is – SIN.

Fear is saying to God – You cannot handle this situation, I know it is too hard for You. Fear or worry tells God in a loud clear shout that you don’t trust that He is in control and that He cares about you.  I know we would not say this with our mouth – but we often say it with our actions.

So, how can a Christian combat fear in their lives? The answer is clear and simple – TRUST GOD.

Come to think about it – this is the answer to every problem of life. If our eyes could just stay focused on God and realize He is in total control of all that is happening we could accomplish so much more for Him.

I have now identified a problem – tomorrow we will start working on the solution that we can all follow to make our lives happier and more productive for God.

Show Me Thy Faith

James 2:18, “Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works:  shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.” 

We can declare anything we want to with our lips, but if there is no action to back up the words – they mean nothing. I can tell you all–ll–ll day long that I believe there is a God in heaven who cares about me and is in control of all that happens in my life, but if this is not demonstrated in my actions my message has no effect.

This is not a new truth or thought. Sometimes our actions are in direct conflict to what we claim that we believe.  When we worry, fret, or complain, we are actually demonstrating a lack of belief in the fact that God cares about us and is in control.  When we don’t read and meditate on God’s Word,  we are actually telling God that we can handle life on our own and we don’t need His strength and direction.

Our spiritual food comes from the Scriptures and to neglect our daily Bible reading makes us weak and ineffective spiritually. When we are ‘fed up’ and nourished from God’s Word, then we will have the strength and ability to do the works of God.

Truly, we demonstrate our faith by our works. As you walk through each day, ask God to help you to be the example He desires for you to be.  Be a doer and not a talker only!

Ask, Seek, Knock

Luke 11:9,10, “And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.  For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” 

Don’t let the familiarity of these verses rob you of the wonderful truths represented in them. 

All these words are action words. Actions that God says WE are to do.

Ask – This is to request and petition God with the things that you have need of or desire. Don’t assume that God will just take care of everything.  He is the one who is telling us to ask.  He wants us to experience His presence in our lives and this is done through answered prayer.

Seek – This represents work on our part. To seek is more than just meandering along.   It’s a focus on wanting to find something.  You want to grow closer to God. You want to know how to live in a manner that is pleasing to Him.   God says to search for the answers in the Scriptures.  Be diligent and seek until you find the answer.

Knock – This is an escalation of emotion and action. We are now getting more aggressive; we are using a greater force to making our needs known.  When we knock on a door we are saying, “I’m here, hear me, open up!”  God is telling us in this verse that it is okay to knock on the door of heaven with our needs and desires.

God wants to be an active part of our lives. He wants us to know that He has the answers to meet every need we have.  BUT, we have a part in this process – we need to: ask, seek, and knock. God says in verse 10 that when we do these things – we will receive, we will find, and it will be opened unto us.  This is a promise from God, Himself.  You can believe it and you can count on it.

Don’t Be a Complainer

Philippians 2:14-15, “Do all things without murmurings and disputings:  That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.” 

When something comes into our lives that doesn’t meet with our standards or expectations, our first reaction is often to murmur and complain. It may even lead to contention and arguments.  This seems to be the natural human response to the irritations of life.  But, as usual, God does not want us to react with our natural tendencies.

The word ‘all’ is used frequently in the scriptures. All, covers a large scope of happenings, in fact, it covers everything.  God is not even allowing us wiggle room to complain about the things that we feel ‘justified’ to complain about.  This statement is all inclusive, leaving nothing out.

This verse tells us that we live in a wicked and perverse nation. This statement covers America today, as well as the Jewish nation of yesteryear.  God says if we refrain from murmuring and complaining, we will stand out and shine for Him.  (Shine – give light, be bright and brilliant,  1828 Dictionary).

When we respond to the happenings of life with grace and trust in God, it will be noticed by those around us and it will be a testimony for the Lord.  People need to know that God makes a difference in our lives and we show them this by our actions!

So…o…o…o the next time you are tempted to complain or murmur, ask God to help you respond in a manner that will please Him. Be the light in this dark world that God wants you to be!

Trust God Completely

Romans 4:20,21, “He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that what he had promised, he was able also to perform.” 

This verse is a great commendation on the life of Abraham. He wasn’t double minded.  He didn’t waver in his trust of God.  His faith was strong.  He fully believed if God promised it, it was a done deal.  He knew God would do what He said He would do and he lived accordingly.  Abraham was not perfect.  He had his moments of failing, but God still looked at him as a man who was strong in faith.   A man who glorified God with his life.

God did not give Abraham an exclusive on ‘faith’. The opportunity for each one of us to trust God in this same manner is open to all of us.  We just need to realize and trust that every single promise in the Scriptures is set in granite.  It is sure and trustworthy – backed up by God Himself, and He cannot lie.

There are many promises in the Scriptures that if we could get a hold of, they would change our lives. Promises such as:

  • God promises to meet all our needs. (Philippians 4:19)
  • He promises never to leave us nor forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)
  • He promises to hear and answer our prayers. (Psalm 138:3)
  • He promises to help in times of trouble. (Psalm (46:1)
  • He promises to give us wisdom to live by. (James 1:5)

He promises………add to this list as you read and study the Scriptures and then believe and stand on every single one of them. Be fully persuaded that if God promises it, then it will happen — for sure, positively, and absolutely!

Be a Listener

Proverbs 18:13, “He that answerth a matter before he hearth it, it is folly and a shame to him.” 

I love God’s Word – it is so pertinent to our lives.  It not only covers the Spiritual aspect – how to be saved and how to have the assurance that we will spend eternity in Heaven.  It also covers how we are to live in a manner that will please God and help us to get along with others.  (We just covered the subject of speaking softly, which can diffuse the most tense situation.)

This verse is basically telling us not to jump to conclusions. This can be a problem for a lot of us.  We need to get the facts (all the facts) before we give an answer concerning a matter.  We half hear, we half see, and then we give our opinion.  God is saying this is unwise and a shame to us.

I’m sure you’ve been on both sides of this situation. You have been relating a thought and the person you are talking to assumes where you are going and jumps in and takes over.  The problem is that they are taking it in a total different direction from what you intended.  On the flip side, you have done the same thing to others.  It is a common fault with people – we don’t listen!

Here is some practical advice from God, Himself. He says to stand back and understand the whole of a matter before you evaluate it. Be a good listener.  Understand all the facts – only then give an opinion.  Good advice from our Heavenly Father!

Soft Answer

Proverbs 15:1, “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” 

This verse is another example of the fact that God gives us good, practical advice in His Word. Your first reaction may be ‘Duh’, of course He does, He knows what is best.  But, we need to incorporate this good advice into our lives and follow it.  That is the part that we often fail to do.

A soft answer is a quiet and controlled response to whatever is going on around you. God is not saying that you may not have a point that you desire to get across.  He is saying HOW you do it is of utmost importance to your testimony and to the response that you receive.

A soft answer defuses a situation. It can quiet things down.  Often we answer harshly and quickly and anger will escalate on every ones part.  God is telling us not to speak loudly even if we are upset.  Anger not only makes the blood pressure go up, but it also seems to make the volume of our voices get louder.  God is telling us NO.  This is not pleasing to Him and it always leads to more anger.

Our goal needs to be – ALWAYS – answer softly and in love. (This can happen with God’s help!)

It is encouraging to me when God points out areas in my life that will benefit me if I follow His instructions. Read the Bible, know the Bible, and follow the Bible, it will make your life happier and more fruitful for the Lord.

Show Me, Teach Me

Psalm 25:4, “Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me my paths.” 

Shew – to make or enable to see, to manifest.

Teach – to instruct, to inform, to communicate knowledge.

As I read this verse, I picture two very important truths concerning our walk with God. One is God reveals to us a truth as we read His Word.  The other is something that we search out and dig for.  I feel that every day we should include these two areas in our prayers as we seek to grow in our Christian life.

First isShow me thy ways.  I believe that this is asking God to open up with clarity the way that He desires that you should walk.  It’s asking God to enlighten you as you read His Word and enable you to see the things that He wants you to know.  This is reading with meditation.

I’m sure that you have had the experience of reading a passage and have found that a verse will jump off the page with the exact words that you needed to hear. This may have been a verse you could have skipped over – but God had a message for you and He enabled you to see it clearly because it was an answer to a need that you had in your life.  Don’t read His Word quickly and without thought.  You will miss so many precious truths.  Ask Him to show you and to enable you to see the things He wants you to know!

Second isTeach me my paths. Teaching is instruction, communicating knowledge.   To learn and to gain knowledge takes work and effort.  You are seeking to learn from God’s Word how He wants you to live and the path He wants you to follow.   You are asking the Holy Spirit to instruct you so that you can know and learn God’s ways.  You are be disciplined and consistent in your Bible reading seeking to grow in your Christian life.  You want to learn so your are making a commitment to that end.

Ask God to ‘show’ you and to ‘teach’ you as you do your Bible reading. He promises that He will!


Webster’s Dictionary defines ‘Happiness’ as a state of well being and contentment, joy, pleasure.

We often hear people say that they just want to be happy. There are many verses in the Bible that tell us how to find this state of contentment but today we are going to zero in on two of them.

Proverbs 8:32b, “…for blessed are they that keep my ways.”

Proverbs 8:34a, “Blessed is the man that heareth me…” 

All the things that people reach for and labor to achieve in life mostly bring stress and frustration, but not true happiness. Somewhere along the way we have put our relationship to God at the back of the line.  The pursuit of wealth, possessions, and pleasure, have taken first place.  Our focus on life has become mixed up and out of order.

True happiness comes from trusting and serving God. To wake up every morning knowing that God loves you and you have a future with Him forever in Heaven, should bring joy and peace to your life – no matter what is going on around you or how much money you have.

Keep God’s ways – read the Bible and follow what it says. (Proverbs 8:32b)

Hear what God is telling you – listen with your heart and be open to His commandments. Put His will before your own.  (Proverbs 8:34a)

God says when you do these things, your life will be blessed and happy. Trust Him and strive to put first things first in your life.  (Matthew 6:33)

True happiness is available to all of us,  IF  we follow God’s plan!

Be Humble

Philippians 2:3, “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.” 

Let nothing be done through strife (contention in anger) or vainglory (empty pride) – 1828 Dictionary. In other words – not ever, no way, no how, should we allow anger or self promotion to motivate our lives.  Self cannot be allowed to be number one in our considerations.

This is so-o-o-o contrary to our nature. It seems to be automatic for us to make decisions on the  ‘how does this affect me?’  basis.  But, God says – NO.  We are to put others before ourselves and we are to be kind while we are doing it.  We are even to consider that others are better than we are.

God is instructing us here to be humble. God desires that we should be free from pride and arrogance.  The Scriptures are full of God’s directives on how He wants His children to live, they are to be: kind, forgiving, loving, soft spoken, not argumentative, helpful, humble, not grumblers…  I’m sure you can add many more desirable traits to this list.

God does have standards of conduct for our lives if we profess Jesus as our Saviour.   Our desire should be to know these standards (by reading and studying the Bible) and then by striving to incorporate these traits into our lives.  How we live is how we show to the world that God has made a difference in our lives.

We all know that we are not capable of making these changes in our own strength. But remember Philippians 4:13,  “I can do all things through Christ which strentheneth me.”  God is always near to help us – we just need to want to follows His ways and then ask for His help to do so!