
Teach Your Mouth

Proverbs 16:23,   “The heart of the wise teacheth, his mouth, and addeth learning to his lips.” 

Our mouth definitely needs teaching – or bridling – or stopping – or at least being controlled!

This verse puts a humorous picture in my mind. I can see here a person giving his mouth a lecture.  Instructing it on proper behavior and admonishing it for speaking improperly.

Aside from my imagination, I believe that this verse is basically saying that it is the heart that controls the mouth. If your heart is right: filled with God’s truths and seeking to serve Him — then what comes out of your mouth will be right.

Let’s examine a few of the verses that talk about the mouth or the tongue. The Bible is actually full of verses on this subject and it would be a worthy study to do on your own.

  • Ephesians 4:29, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”
  • Proverbs 16:24, “Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.”
  • Psalm 89:1, “I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.
  • Proverbs 15:1, “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.”
  • Psalm 141:3, “Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.

A wise and learned person will keep a close watch on how he speaks. Our prayer needs to be the same as David’s in Psalm 19:14,  “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.”

We have a great opportunity every day to use our words to serve God and to build up and encourage others. Let’s make a conscious effort to ‘teach our mouth’ to speak in a manner that will honor God!


Serve the Lord

Psalm 100:2, “Serve the LORD with gladness, come before his presence with singing.” 

We all know that life has many demands which cannot be ignored. Work, maintaining a home, raising children, to name a few.  Every day requirements can seem overwhelming….soooo…. how does serving the Lord enter into the picture?

Serving God is actually an attitude of the heart. I Corinthians 10:31 says,  “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”  Colossians 3:23 states,  “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men;”  We have covered these thoughts before but focusing on them again can reinforce these truths.

The fact of the matter is that no matter what we are doing can be defined as serving the Lord — washing dishes, going to work, teaching a Sunday School class, singing in the choir – all of these fall into the category of the ‘whatsoever’ found in these two verses.

The difference between plain work and service for God is our focus and motivation. When you approach a task with the thought of doing the best you can and doing it cheerfully as unto the Lord – then it takes on a whole new dimension.   It jumps from the mundane – have to do job – into the category of serving the Lord with gladness, (Psalm 100:2).

Today as you approach the job of ‘living’ ask God to help you to look at every task as an opportunity for service and do it as unto the Lord. Serving the Lord with gladness does lead to a life filled with singing!

Be An Example

Philippians 1:12, “But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel;” 

Everything in Paul’s life was centered around Christ. Here he was in prison, held in bonds.  Instead of complaining, he is praising God.  Philippians 1:14 says that because of what he was going through many of the brethren had become bolder in speaking out for the Lord.  This cannot have been a very pleasant way to live, but Paul is not focused on the ‘woe is me’ syndrome. He is thankful that He can serve the Lord and the gospel is being furthered.

Joy in the midst of turmoil. Praising God in the times of hardship.  It is not our natural tendency to do this.  Often minor inconveniences can cause us to gripe and complain.  We can question God with a list of ‘whys’.   Paul had his eyes in the right place – not on what was going on around him but Who was in control of what was going on around him.   Because his attitude was right, he was being a testimony for Jesus and the gospel was being advanced.

Paul sums it up nicely in Philippians 1:27, “Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: …….that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.”

This is what the Christian life is all about – living right, standing together with other Christians – being in agreement and working together for the cause of Christ. People are watching how you live and how you react to adversity.  Ask God to help you to be the example you should be so that others will be encouraged to stand and serve no matter what is going on in their lives.  People need to know that Jesus saves — and we need to be the ones to tell them!

God Doesn’t Give Up on Me

Philippians 1:6, “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” 

There may be times in your life when things seem difficult. This may be caused by family problems, health problems, financial problems, or possibly having too much to do and not enough time to do it.  Whatever the reason – you may feel like giving up.  But, it is wonderful to know that God never gives up on you.  He is always there doing a good work in your life.  This promise has no expiration time – it never becomes outdated.  God says He will be there working in your life all the way up to the time that He calls you home or Jesus comes again.

Our lives can take many paths after we get saved. This often depends on our motivation and dedication to following God.  God has given us a free will to choose our course of action in life.

Once you are born again into God’s family you become His child. The Holy Spirit enters your life and is always present to lead you and guide you — AND — to convict and chastise you when you choose to go your own way and not God’s.  Just remember if you choose to live contrary to God’s ways and leading you will have no peace and no happiness.

God is telling you that at the moment of salvation, He began a good work in you and He will continue that work. You can always be assured that He is there for you at any stage of your Christian life.  You may not always be what you ought to be, and you may not always be living the way you ought to live – but God is always there working.  Don’t waste your time (or your life) — surrender to God and let Him do the good work that He desires to do in your life!

Remember, you are never alone. God is always there.  Isn’t it wonderful that God doesn’t give up on us?

Draw Near to God

Psalm 73:28, “But it is good for me to draw near to God:  I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works.” 

“It is good for me” – implies something that is beneficial and helpful. It is something that will enhance my life and make it better.  (Now, often times I do not choose to the things that are ‘good’ for me due to the fact that it may take hard work and discipline, such as, exercising more or eating properly.  But the fact remains, whether I chose to do them or not – they WOULD be good for me if I did them!)

This verse says that it is good for me to draw near to God.  A lot that we accomplish in our Christian life is actually dependent on us.  To draw near to God is an action on our part.  It is developing a close relationship to Him by depending on Him and seeking His face continually throughout the  day.  It is acknowledging His presence and trusting that He is in control of all that happens in our lives.

In the second part of this verse, the psalmist says that he has put his trust in the Lord God. Trusting is also an action.  We need to draw near and trust Him daily in order for the ‘good’ results of these actions to be activated in our lives.

When we are living close to God and are trusting Him, then we will be able to say with the psalmist – I will declare all thy works. We will be the testimony for the Lord in this world that so desperately needs Him.  It will be easy to praise Him and share the wonderful ‘good’ things that He is doing in our lives.

It’s plain and clear to see how these actions: drawing near to God, trusting Him, and declaring His works, will be of great benefit (good) to us.  But, remember it’s your choice if you are to incorporate them into your life.  God promises ‘GOOD’ things if you do!

High Standards for God

Philippians 1:10. “That ye may approve things that are excellent; and ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ.” 

This is the type of mind set that God wants us to have. He wants us to strive for excellence.  He wants us to have high standards in the midst of a world where standards are crumbling and sinking every day.  God does not want us to blend in with society.  He desires for us to stand out and be a testimony for Him.

There is no doubt about it – this will take work and thought on our part. We truly are representing God in everything we do.  We need to show the world that God has made a difference in our lives.  This involves many areas — how we speak, where we go, how we

dress (ouch), how we treat others, to name a few. God has a standard for our lives and it is a HIGH standard!

This verse goes on to say that we need to be sincere and without offence (honest and upright in our living). We need to be people of integrity and good character.  So often as we walk through life we do not even think about the fact that others are judging God by how we live.

II Corinthians 5:20a says we are ambassadors for Christ, (an authorized representative).  We need to think about and acknowledge this fact everywhere we go.  When others look at us do they see a reflection of Jesus?  This is what we should be striving for!

Be Content

Philippians 4:11-12a, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.  I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound…” 

To be content means to be satisfied and happy. The definition of ‘learn’ is to gain or receive knowledge by practice or performing.

Basically, Paul is saying that as he grew and matured in his Christian faith, he began to realize that his state of contentment was not dependent on the circumstances of his life. If he was rich (abounding) or abased (poor) it made no difference on his satisfaction thermometer.  He was not gauging his contentment on what was going on around him.

Paul’s life consisted of doing as much as he could for the cause of Christ. Where ever God led him, whatever the surrounding circumstances, His eyes were on the Lord.  He was fully persuaded that God was in control of all that happened in his life and he rested in this knowledge.

Contentment is an emotion and often our emotions can be on a roller coaster – up and down with the waves of the circumstances of life. This is not how God desires for us to live.  This is not how we have to live if we learn to keep our eyes on God and trust that He is in control of all things.

Isaiah 26:3 is still in the Book, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”

Contentment and peace is promised to the Christian – IF  his mind is stayed on God.  Money in the bank is of no use unless drawn out and used.  The promises in the Bible are not beneficial to us unless we seek them out and claim them.  Appreciate God’s Word, love God’s Word, and start claiming His promises.  The life of peace and contentment is available to all of us!

They Saw, They Perceived, They…

Acts 4:13, “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them,  that they had been with Jesus.” 

What a great verse. It is FULL of encouragements and truths that we can apply to our own lives.

We see here a group of religious leaders observing the lives of Peter and John. These men saw the boldness with which the apostles were speaking.  Peter and John were not intimidated by those around them.  They were not hedging or apologizing for their message.  It was clear and to the point.  (Acts 3:19a,  “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.”   Acts 4:12,  “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”)

These elite and educated leaders of the people perceived that Peter and John were uneducated and unlearned and yet they spoke with authority and assurance.  (Isn’t it wonderful who God chooses to do His work.  Don’t ever feel that God cannot use you.  It really is a heart thing – not a brain thing.  If your heart is open to serving God and you obey His leading, you can do great and mighty things for Him – no matter what your background or education.  It’s great to know that God has a place for each one of us.  Our part is to be willing to let Him use us!)

Finally, these learned men marvelled because of the testimony of Peter and John.  They saw strength and power in their lives and they KNEW (took knowledge) that they had been with Jesus.

What a great example and testimony for all of us who live in this day and age.  We to, need to get the message of salvation out to those around us. We should not be intimidated by their position or education (or lack of).  We need to be bold – holding forth the truth in the power of the Holy Spirit.  We should live in such a way that others will see our lives and come to the conclusion that we had been with Jesus!

I Will Sing

Psalm 59:16, “But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning: for thou hast been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble.” 

I will sing – we sing when we are happy and content. This goes along with yesterday’s blog.  God desires for each of us to be happy and cheerful.  I think this is a person that I would like to be around.  I think that this is a person that I would like to be!

Why is it, that David can be filled with joy and singing in the morning?   It’s simple – because He is praising God for His power and mercy.  He is recognizing that God will be there to defend him and protect him in the time of trouble.  His eyes are on God and not the circumstances that he is faced with.

The Scriptures are full of God’s promises to be with us and help us in times of need and trouble. Think about your life.  Are you the person who sees the glass as half full or as half empty.  Are you someone that is counting your blessings or are you complaining about your problems.

It is true that there is something to be thankful for – even in the worst case scenario.

II Thessalonians 5:18 would not be in the Bible if this were not true! (“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”)  Every thing covers a great deal of territory – actually it covers it all – nothing is being left out.

It may seem like it is impossible to have a cheerful and merry heart in the midst of all the problems of this world. But it is.  God tells us that this is the result of trusting Him and keeping our eyes on Him and His power.  He truly is our defense and refuge in the day of trouble and this is something to ‘sing’ about!

Shout for Joy

Psalm 5:11, “But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name by joyful in thee.” 

Rejoice, shout for joy, be joyful – does that describe you? Come to think of it does it describe the Christians that you know and fellowship with?

I think perhaps this is one of the greatest short falls in the lives of Christians today. We don’t exhibit the joy of the Lord.  Look at yourself (I’m talking to me also).  How do you react to the happenings of life?  Are you downhearted and fearful?  Do you complain because life is hard?  Do you get caught up in letting life overwhelm you?  We need to stop and think about how this affects our testimony before the world.

This verse is telling us that if we trust the Lord and truly believe that He will defend us against outside forces; if we love His name, then we will have a joyful heart and countenance.  God is our Heavenly Father.  We are His children and He promises His love and presence in our lives.

Victory is assured and Heaven is our destiny. We have SO much to be thankful and joyful about.

Think about it. Can others see the joy of the Lord in your life?  I’m not talking about being laughy and giddy all the time.  I’m talking about having a serene and quiet spirit, free from fear.  I’m talking about having a spirit of thanksgiving and praise versus a spirit of complaining and grumbling.  I’m talking about a life that says to those around you that you trust God and believe He is in control of all that happens.  This is the life that will make others want what you have.

A joyful life is what God desires and offers to all of us. This is the life that we will have if we keep our eyes and hearts on Him!