Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines ‘first’ as: Before all others in order of time, or progression. Preceding all others in rank.
Now, I know, that you know, what first place means. It’s the top, above everything else. This verse is telling us that this is where God is supposed to be in our lives. TOP priority in all our considerations. But, I fear, if we are honest, that this is not where He is located in the scheme of our activities. It would probably surprise us as to how far down on the list He is in our daily lives. Often, we work Him in – if possible. Other times, He is below the line of what we have time for. SHAME ON US!
In the earlier verses of this chapter God is talking about meeting the essential needs of our lives – food, drink, and clothing. Verse 32b says, “for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.”
The problem comes when these needs became the ‘top priority’ in our lives and not God. We can get caught up in the survival mode and feel everything is depending on us. God is telling us plain and simple that we are to put Him first and then He will take care of everything else. (Now, God knows that you have to work and He encourages this throughout the Scriptures. In fact, He has nothing good to say about the sluggard or lazy person.)
It really is a condition of the heart. Are you thinking about and seeking God in all the demands of the day? Do you acknowledge His presence and talk to Him as you walk through the activities of life? Do you spend time in His Word every day? Do you choose God’s ways over your own desires? All these areas are ways that we put God ‘first’ in our lives.
Life is demanding. These is a constant battle going on for your time. You will have to fight to keep God in first place. It is possible – just keep your focus where it should be – ON GOD!