About the Book

The cover of "I Want To Be A Better Me For God"

I Want To Be A Better Me For God is a six month devotional challenge book. Its purpose is to help women (and men) to develop a love for God’s Word. There are twenty-six challenges that can change your life forever.  How do I know this? It’s because they are centered around God’s Word, and that can never fail. I began this journey with the Lord several years ago and God has worked wonderfully in my life. He will work in yours also. You can become a better “you” for God.

The four basic challenges of this book are to:

  • Read God’s Word daily
  • Write out verses (and write out what God is saying and teaching in these verses)
  • Memorize God’s Word
  • Spend time in prayer and meditation every day

To read the first chapter of the book, click on Good News at the top of the page.  This is the first chapter in it’s entirety minus the challenge and homework found in the book.  Hope you enjoy it!